What Is Copy-Editing?
Copy Editing is "the work that an editor does to improve the formatting, style, and accuracy of text. Unlike general editing, copy editing might not involve changing the content of the text" (Copy Editing, Wikipedia, May 2015). Basically, I will be giving your finished written work a final, thorough read-through, ferreting out the technical mistakes. Items I will check include:
Light restructuring of sentences and/or paragraph flow. (Explanations of any large changes like this will be in the Comments tabs to the side.)
I do all of my editing through Microsoft Word Document, using a "Track Changes" model so that you are aware of any and all changes and may pick and apply the final alterations for yourself. For an example of what Track Changes looks like, see one of the sample pages in my portfolio.
I charge $1.00 per page.
A "page" is defined as one (1) page of an MS Word Document, with 1-inch margins. The text will be in 12-pt. Courier New, double-spaced. If you submit the work in another format, it will have these specifications applied before we settle on an overall price.
My research shows that the average proofreader or copy editor will charge between $3.00-$4.00 per page; professional editing sites charge as much as $10.00 per 1,000 words. I want to offer a cost that is more affordable to you!
For more terms and conditions, please inquire below.